The house we've lived in for more than 10 years sold in 5 weeks. We are moving out of it this Thursday. Tonight was the last night my daughters will sleep in the house on 1915 Bethlehem. Arden acted whiny all day, and I wasn't quite sure why. Did I not think she might be troubled by our sudden dishevelment? I always read her a book before bed. But, her books are packed. This sent her into a hissy fit! When I told her tonight was her last night in the house, she burst into tears and said she didn't want to leave her room, that she liked it. I cried with her. Not because I particularly like her room, but because of the memories the room brings to mind. This was the room where we stared in awe at her tiny little newborn self on the change table in the dim light. Where I lay her on the floor for a baby massage, her tiny legs still scrunched up like a newborn and quietly watched me caress her soft skin and whisper to her, what will you be? what kind of person will you be? How will you sound? The room where she lay in the Moses basket, I on the twin bed, drifting in and out of sleep, waiting for her to stir. This was the room where she play with her Barbie dolls, colored, watched dvds, dressed in tutus and butterfly wings.
We love our neighbors. To the right, Dian, Gary, and Jody. Hook 'em, Horns! Dian, the cook, gardener, and most active woman I've ever seen. I hope she soon becomes a grandma because she will be the best one on earth. Gary, the golfer, photographer, and Dancing with the Stars fan. Jody, the die-hard Longhorn, artist, and also a fantastic cook. We will miss the Parkers dearly.
To the left, Charles, Millie, and Christina (whom Arden and Tess adore). Charles, the smart engineer, cigar smokin', overall wearing, fishin', boat cruisin', politically incorrect (but we love it!), Mexico travelin' man! His sweet wife Millie, a Neiman Marcus Escada buyer/seller for many years, a class act, gentle spirit, beautiful woman. And Christina. Ahhh, Christina. I watched her grow from 5 to 16, from riding her tricycle in the driveway to anticipating a car. She's often my photo assistant and babysitter, St. Pius X student, lover of books, fashion, Taylor Swift, the Twilight series. And my daughters are her biggest fans. We love the Zubes!
This house is full of memories I will never forget. Thank you, 1915 Bethlehem.

1 comment:
great job. your photos are great. wedding shots are very good.
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