Friday, May 29, 2009


My sweet neighbor asked me if I would photograph two 2 1/2 year old twins (J and J) who are about to go up for adoption. She and her husband are foster parents, and they wanted to help the mom find a good place for her two boys. Of course, I said yes. The mom wanted pics of her boys and of herself with them before they go away to live in another place. I have no idea what her circumstances are, so I am in no place to judge.

I walked over to my neighbor's house with my two daughters (ages 4 1/2 and 22 months), and my 2 cameras strapped across my shoulder. J and J were typical toddlers: rummaging through toys, drinking from sippy cups, running around. I took some photographs indoors of them with their mom, and then we went outside on the front porch and took some more. As young as they are, I could still sense their apprehension. Kids know more than we think. When I got home and really looked at the pics of the two boys, I paused. Their faces took my breath away. They know what's happening. Their lives will forever change. They love their mama. The eyes said it all. What innocence, yet what realization. Still, children are amazingly resilient. I hope J and J find a loving home and enjoy their childhood.

You never know how what you do may impact someone later on. I hope the pics I took will stay with the mom and these two boys forever. Isn't that really why I do what I do?

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