We were in the 1915 Bethlehem house. Her crib and room furniture were black, walls light pink, carpet taupe. I remembering photographing her for the first time when she was only 2 weeks old. I used my 35mm camera with black and white film. I framed the pictures. I still like them. She had this doe-eyed face, observant. I loved laying her out on the floor after a bath and massaging her little body while lullabies played in the background. She would kick her legs with delight and coo. I'd stare at her and ask her who she was going to be when she grew up, what was she going to sound like. I longed to hear her talk. How would she sound? Those evenings were so calm and peaceful. I can't get that time back.
We were in the front living room of the Bethlehem house. The large-paned window let the light in and I held 5 month old Arden in my arms as we waltzed around the room to George Strait's "You'll Be There." She sometimes fell asleep while I danced with her.
These times have passed, and I can't get them back. I can't stop thinking about this, even though I know you are supposed to "live in the moment." What's done is done. There's no turning back. But I'm afraid I am a person of memories. I can't let them go. I long for those days, but I know I will one day long for today. So, I guess it's true. We should live in the moment.
My first-born will be 5 on August 14. She starts kindergarten August 24. Here's to you, Arden Jean. I love you!

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