So, I'm still a little freaked out that my best friend (since 7th grade) Lori and I are actually mothers and have two daughters each that are about the same ages. For the longest time, Lori and I were partners in crime. We were FAR from being domesticated mothers. We were Thelma and Louise (in a non-violent way. Oh, and we definitely did not run into anyone as hot as Brad Pitt is in that movie. Unfortunately.) Let's just say that Lori and I had too much fun together to settle down and be moms. No. Way.
So, Lori took the plunge first, having Ella in April 2003. She asked me to be present at the birth, if possible. What??? Ummm. . . okay. I made it. It wasn't so bad. In fact, it took a lot of mystery out of the concept of labor/delivery. In August 2004, I had Arden. Fast forward to 2009 and Ella is 6, Arden 5. This was our 2nd visit to the Hyatt Lost Pines in Bastrop, TX. The girls have so much fun together! Oh, and we have two more: Lori's Addie, who turned 2 in March, and my Tess who turns 2 this July. Whew! We're still trying to decide if we should brave it and bring all four girls to Lost Pines next summer. . .the grandmas may have to go on that trip for back-up!
This pic cracks me up because all I see is a little version of me on the left and Lori on the right:

Arden, trying to give the perfect expression:

Ella, close up:

Ella and Arden hanging out before going to "camp" so Lori and I could go to the spa!

This beautiful owl was perched on a post in the Hummingbird Garden located outside our room. He never moved! I was literally this close to him. No zoom lens needed!