On Saturday, I photographed Megan. She's a beautiful brunette with piercing brown eyes. She's also an athlete. She said she's a jeans/T-shirt/sweats kind of girl, but I think there's more to her than that! She's got a bit of girliness in her somewhere. This picture is evidence:

I mentioned daughters and moms at the beginning of this post because a lot of times, the mom accompanies the daughter. Megan's mom came with her. In every mom/daughter set, I see myself with my own daughters in a few years! It's really touching. I love to watch how they are with one another. Megan's mom was a JOY to have during the photo session! She quietly observed and let Megan be herself. She helped carry my gear and props and even marched through the high, wet grass and over numerous ant piles! Pat, you are a trooper! Seriously, though, I can see why these Katy girls are so well-grounded. Their moms are fantastic.

Here's Megan in her letter jacket. Remember what I said about her piercing brown eyes?

I love this photo of Megan. She has such a great smile. Megan, you are beauty, inside and out!

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